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Top stories

1. Liberal Democrats call for use of LIFT in Merton
With £118m worth of benefits unclaimed in Merton, newly elected Liberal Democrat MPs have filed a motion for a benefits calculator on the council’s website and access to the Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) from Policy in Practice. Paul Kohler MP said:
"Thousands of my constituents are completely unaware that they qualify for certain benefit support. Our proposal was about putting people's money back in their pockets, where it belongs.”
To learn the value of unclaimed benefits in your region please schedule a call with us.

2. Closing the unclaimed support gap to improve the lives of Londoners
Policy in Practice celebrated London Data Week with two sold out events as part of the citywide festival exploring how data is used to shape the city for the better. Our first event in City Hall was held in partnership with the Greater London Authority and explored how our London-wide take up campaign is using data to make residents millions of pounds better off.  

3. Unleashing the power of data for an incoming government
Our second event was held in Westminster in collaboration with Shearwater Global and Tussell. It brought together a dynamic panel of experts to explore the transformative potential of technology, specifically AI and public sector data, in enhancing public services across the UK. The insights shared underscored the potential of data-driven technologies to revolutionise public services.

4. Congratulations to the new incoming government
We are excited to work with the new government to close the unclaimed support gap and improve the lives of millions of people who are missing out on support they're eligible for. We also welcome the introduction of new bills that will positively enhance worker's rights and welfare reform. The Independent explores how a new government will work with the DWP to close the unclaimed support gap and reminds readers to do a free benefits check using our Better Off Calculator.

5. Salary Finance customers now have exclusive access to Better Off Calculator
Salary Finance works with 600 employers to help 4.5 million employees manage their finances through responsible products and educational resources. Salary Finance has added our Better Off Calculator to its platform to help workers identify what support they may be missing out on. Deven joined Jason Butler on the Salary Finance podcast to discuss why people don't claim.
Images from London Data Week events delivered by Policy in Practice and partners
Review of the Chancellor's statement and the impact on benefit take up

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, made a statement to the House of Commons highlighting the importance of strategic fiscal planning.

One announcement in her formal statement was that the government would remove Winter Fuel Payments from all Pensioners apart from those receiving means-tested benefits such as Pension Credit.

This move is estimated to save around £1.5bn, by removing payments to around 10 million pensioners. This shows how vital it is that pensioners claim all that they are eligible for. Local Authorities and other organisations play a crucial role in getting these people the help they deserve. Policy in Practice works with Local Authorities all over the country to help them identify people eligible for Pension Credit.

Read our full review of the review of the Chancellor's statement here.

Best wishes to our client Hafren Dyfrdwy Water on the launch of 'Here to Help Hub'

The water and waste company has created a brand new online ‘Here to Help Hub’ for its customers.

The website signposts visitors to extra support that is available for them including the ‘Better Off Calculator’, which provides a full holistic assessment of people’s current circumstances.

Deven Ghelani, Director and Founder, Policy in Practice, said:
“It has been great working with the dedicated team at Hafren Dyfrdwy, who not only help customers swiftly transition to the best water tariff but also proactively offer broader assistance to maximise their income.

“Integrating Hafren Dyfrdwy assessments into the Better Off Calculator will significantly close the £23 billion gap in unclaimed support, streamlining the application process for users. We are excited about the positive impact Hafren Dyfrdwy can achieve.”
Supporting Collaboration Network's Vulnerability Week UK

This month we supported Vulnerability Week, organised by The Collaboration Network. This important initiative aims to raise awareness within organisations about people in vulnerable situations and how all aspects of an organisation's products and services impact them. Rachael Walker spoke at their event, Helping Customers Make Ends Meet by Accessing Unclaimed Benefits, about our successful London Pension Credit campaign.
Resolve Poverty asks how we can close the unclaimed support gap

In May we reported £23 billion in support goes unclaimed in the UK each year. In its latest newsletter, Resolve Poverty features a blog by Rachael Walker on why this support is going unclaimed and what people can do to check if they are missing out.

How Gravesham Council is using LIFT to support vulnerable residents

Gravesham Borough Council recently enforced the sale of a Northfleet property to recover almost £36,000 in unpaid council tax. This action highlights the council's commitment to distinguishing between those who can't pay and those who won't. Through the Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT), the council supports residents in financial hardship, securing over £1 million in aid.

By focusing on helping vulnerable families,Gravesham Council can concentrate on recovering debts from those who deliberately avoid payments, ensuring fairness for all taxpayers.

Richmond and Wandsworth Councils leverage data to identify over 3,500 low income families eligible for energy support packages

Challenge: Richmond and Wandsworth Council wanted to help low income families living in homes with an EPC rating of D or below so they joined forces with partner Radflek for warm home packages containing radiator foil, energy saving light bulbs and draft excluding tape. These packages would help families insulate their homes better and could save them up to £200 on their yearly energy bills.

But, there was one big challenge. The council’s data did not show which residents were living in inefficient homes. They needed one central place that showed household EPC and income details.

Solution: Policy in Practice’s LIFT platform offered an accurate way to identify the right households. By combining EPC data with LIFT’s expert policy engine a clear picture emerged showing which households were eligible for this support.

Impact: 3,500 residents were identified for energy support packages using LIFT.

Out and about in July

The team headed to Anfield Stadium for this year's LACEF Conference, where the focus was on influencing positive change in the collections sector. Discussions centered on collaboration for better outcomes, addressing key issues facing the industry, and creating a wish list for the new Labour government.
Policy in Practice's Rob Johnson and Adam Kenny enjoying the venue for LACEF's Annual Conference
July's LIFT community workshop gets a sneak peek at our new campaign tool

Thank you to all our clients who attended this latest LIFT community workshop this month. Over a hundred attendees from local authorities that use our LIFT tool joined us to discuss topical issues, hear latest policy updates and get a first look at our new LIFT campaign tool. Coming in September, the built in LIFT campaign tool will allow users to seamlessly send letters, emails and texts directly to groups identified in LIFT.

To learn more about the campaign tool or the LIFT community workshop email
Webinar replay: Housing and innovation: New approaches to tackle the ongoing cost of living crisis and rent arrears challenges

Listen back to hear

  • Overview of housing and the impact of the cost of living crisis on rent arrears
  • Introduction to SNG’s mission and strategies for tackling rent arrears, including partnerships and best practices
  • Future trends for housing associations, emerging technologies, and leveraging data for effective solutions

With guest speakers: Hana Westby, Debt Advice Manager and Lizzie Aston-Long, Head of Customer Accounts, Sovereign Network Group
Webinar replay: Missing out: Over £1 billion in support is unclaimed in North East England each year

  • The scale of unclaimed support in the North East
  • Regional disparities, including why the North East has 40% more unclaimed benefits per person than the national average
  • How data analytics can help local governments identify and reach vulnerable residents
  • The benefits of localised schemes for improving regional equity and reducing administrative complexity.

With guest speakers: Amanda Bailey, North East Child Poverty Commission; Gillian Roll, Karbon Homes; Mark Wilkinson, Northumbrian Water
Blog you may have missed
by Rachael Walker

In the last of our General Election 2024 manifesto blogs, we took a closer look at what the national parties would prioritise for housing and local government.

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