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Top stories

  1. Celebrate London Data Week with Policy in Practice
    Join Policy in Practice this London Data Week (1-5 July) for two exciting events that highlight how we are using data to transform the lives of Londoners. Our first event, in partnership with the Greater London Authority, features speakers from Age UK London and local authorities who have participated in our data-led benefit uptake campaign. Register here

    The first of its kind, the campaign’s first phase made pensioners across the capital £8 million better off. The second event, held in Westminster, will explore how AI and public sector data can transform public services in London and across the UK. Don’t miss these opportunities ahead of the general election to see how an incoming government can use data to drive positive change. Register here

  2. What do the general election manifestos tell us about work and welfare?
    In the first of our pre-election blog series we compare party manifestos on income, tax, and welfare reforms. The blog provides an overview on where the parties stand on critical areas such as work, employment, and income taxation. With £23 billion in  support going unclaimed this year we will continue to push income inequality and smarter use of available data across the system. To find out why people don’t claim and what we’re doing with organisations from the finance sector, housing sector and local authorities, listen back to our on demand webinars.

  3. Rising cost of sickness benefit and what it means for an incoming government
    Deven Ghelani discussed the rising cost of sickness benefits on Times Radio. With an increasing number of people out of work due to long term illness, the need for early intervention and social security reforms is crucial. Our research highlights the decline in early access to support and the binary nature of the current system is making it difficult for people to reenter the workforce.

  4. Importance of supporting unpaid carers vital ahead of upcoming election
    This month we celebrated National Carers Week by recognising the vital role of unpaid carers. Our Research and Policy Director, Rachael Walker, discussed Carer's Allowance and the challenges faced by unpaid carers in a webinar organised by the Vulnerability Registration Service. With £2.3 billion in unclaimed Carer's Allowance it is vital to recognise the economic value of unpaid care and how service providers can offer much-needed support which we explore in our blog.

  5. What do the General Election 2024 manifestos tell us about women, children, and older people?
    second of our manifesto blogs takes a closer look at what the parties promise for groups within the wider population who often face additional disadvantages within the welfare system. We've previously discussed how the welfare system supports, and in some cases works against, women.

How we’re working with Stepchange to enhance pre arrears support

Policy in Practice is working with StepChange to proactively identify households that are missing out on benefits, helping them to apply for support and tackling their problem debt.
The results are life changing.

Speaking on our recent webinar Vanessa Northam, Head of Charity Development at StepChange said:

“The scale of success is absolutely phenomenal. We got 95% of our clients identified with potential for extra benefits and support, which was significant. On average we've unlocked a life enhancing amount of £583 per household per month. Some of our clients have really complex situations and low incomes; that amount of money is life changing.”

£2 billion in support to go unclaimed in Wales this year

In exclusive research for BBC Wales Policy in Practice identified that the total sum of unclaimed support from both the UK and Welsh government is £2 billion in Wales. We discussed these findings on GTFM and BBC Wales Today. We continue to develop analysis of regional and local estimates of unclaimed support across the UK.

If you are a regional leader and would like to partner with us please email

Moving towards automation of Council Tax Support
Support with council tax payments through working-age Council Tax Reduction (CTR) is an important part of welfare support for households on low income. CTR, which is administered by councils, has historically had low take up from potentially eligible residents, particularly after it was left out of Universal Credit and localised in 2013.
Trust for London commissioned Policy in Practice to evaluate the viability of an automated approach to Council Tax Reduction (CTR) with the objective of increasing the take up of Council Tax Reduction for working-age Londoners who are in receipt of Universal Credit.

Read full report
Out and about in June

The wide breadth of sectors we work across was evident in the variety of events we attended in June.

  • Deven was a judge for the first time at the The Municipal Journal achievement awards for the Health Foundation’s category 'Whole Council approach to tackling Health Inequalities'.

  • Also presenting awards this month were Sam, Abbie, and Tylor-Maria for the Southwark Stars awards hosted by Community Southwark. The event, held in the Tate Modern, was a great success and we were delighted to present the award for ‘Supporting residents through the cost of living crisis’ to Share The Cost Global.

  • Lightning Reach held a cross sector partners panel with a very informative Q&A. We heard from banking, charity, local authority and housing association representatives about all the action they're taking to raise awareness and accessibility of the available support for their customers.

  • The Telsolutions Innovation Conference focused on navigating budget cuts and resource constraints for local authorities. Deven presented "Tackling Vulnerability by Closing the Unclaimed Benefits Gap," showcasing how data increased London pensioners' income by over £10 million annually.

  • We exhibited at Housing 24 in Manchester, fostering collaboration in the housing sector, addressing the housing crisis with innovative solutions and funding for diverse housing needs.
Upcoming: LACEF Forum Conference, 11 July

Policy in Practice will attend the Local Authority Civil Enforcement Forum Conference (LACEF). The team will discuss our 'Missing Out' report with delegates, highlighting the £23 billion of unclaimed support annually and the stigma surrounding benefit uptake.

New Better Off Calculator feature: Affordability assessments for housing associations
Affordability assessments give Housing Associations more information about their tenants in their pre-assessment screening, enabling them to provide support where necessary.

This feature can be added to clients' Better Off Calculator on request, at no extra change. Get in touch with your Account Manager to discuss.
Our next LIFT Community workshop is on 11 July from 11:00 - 13:00

The LIFT Community workshop is where we bring all LIFT (Low Income Family Tracker) clients together, to discuss topical issues, provide useful policy updates and provide demos around new features of LIFT.

In this workshop we will:
  • Understand the impact of the current policy context
  • Discuss of General Election
  • Review the £23 billion of unclaimed support in the UK in 2024
  • Update on HSF and discretionary support
  • Demo of the new LIFT campaign tool, where you will be able to send letters, emails and text messages directly through LIFT for campaigns
  • Update on the GLA PC, FSM, HS campaigns
  • Hear clients stories of success, including the approaches they took for early years and Managed Migration campaigns

Speak to your Account Manager about joining or email

A big welcome to our newest clients
Register: Missing out: Over £1 billion in support is unclaimed in North East England each year

Wednesday 10 July, 10.30 to 11.45

Register: Housing and innovation: New approaches to tackle the ongoing cost of living crisis and rent arrears challenges

Wednesday 24 July, 10.30 to 11.45

Webinar replay: Unlocking £23 billion: How data and proactive engagement can enhance pre-arrears support

  • New analysis on unclaimed benefits and support in the UK
  • What support is going unclaimed, and why
  • How we work with local authorities to proactively target people for assessment
  • StepChange case study: Using data to support Welfare Benefits Service in Scotland
  • Understanding eligibility options
  • Questions and answers with our panel

With guest speakers Vanessa Northam, Head of Charity Development, StepChange and Stuart Bungay, Strategic Advisor, Policy in Practice

Webinar replay: Tackling child hunger by auto enrolment in Free School Meals

  • Eligibility for Free School Meals - the national picture
  • Food poverty - Free School Meals and the impact of the Housing Support Fund
  • Case study from Lewisham Council
  • Data driven solutions to societal change
  • Questions and answers with our panel

With guest speaker Mia Polovina, Data Scientist, Lewisham Council

Inspirational case studies from our clients across a range of sectors

Richmond and Wandsworth Councils leverage data to identify over 3,500 low income families eligible for energy support packages

Read case study

empowers 7,300 households and uncovers £4 million in benefits in one year

Read case study

South Norfolk and Broadland Council optimises discretionary support allocation and debt recovery through data analysis

Read case study

Scope bridges the living standards gap finding over £134,000 in additional support for over 80 households with disabilities using the Better off Calculator

Read case study
Blogs you may have missed

During National Carers Week, we explored the complexities of Carer’s Allowance, the challenges faced by carers, and the urgent need for reform to better support unpaid carers and the people they care for.
by Rachael Walker


We examined what the General Election 2024 party manifestos say about work and welfare to see what might be in store.
by Rachael Walker


We took a closer look at what the parties promise for groups within the wider population who often face additional disadvantages within the welfare system; Children, women, older people, and people with disabilities.
by Rachael Walker

Jobs at Policy in Practice

We’re always looking for people who are hungry to drive change and make a difference. The compelling work we do, together with the benefits we give and the career prospects we offer, make Policy in Practice a great place to work.

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