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Top stories

1. Policy in Practice leads the conversation on Pension Credit awareness
DWP's new figures show that Pension Credit take up efforts are working. Our latest analysis, featured in the Telegraph and the Observer, shows that, while this means the change is unlikely to save the Treasury as much as it hoped, it has meant a life changing boost in income for hundreds of thousands of pensioners living in poverty.

Earlier this month, Conservative MP
Mel Stride cited our analysis in parliament showing that 880,000 pensioners are eligible for Pension Credit but are not claiming it. Our research on changes to the Winter Fuel Payment and Pension Credit is driving the national conversation, with coverage this month on Moneybox, BBC Wales, The Sunday Times, BBC Online, and The MJ. We've also supported DWP Pensions Week and Pension Awareness Week. Find out how much Pension Credit is unclaimed in your area.

2. Local authorities call for better data sharing to help pensioners access the Winter Fuel Payment
This month a coalition of local authorities urged the government to improve data sharing between the DWP and councils to enable more people to be informed about benefits they might be missing. While DWP’s campaign to raise awareness of Pension Credit take up is welcome, locally led targeted campaigns are proven to be three times more effective. Councils are urging DWP to share more data so they can identify eligibility for supports like social tariffs, Healthy Start and Free School Meals.

3. Healthy Start take up campaign secures over £330,000 for households
The Mayor of London has commissioned a London wide campaign, led by Policy in Practice and the GLA, to tell residents about their eligibility for support. The first phase focused on Pension Credit and secured over £8.4 million in unclaimed support for pensioners. This year, three boroughs expanded the campaign to Healthy Start, securing over £330,000 for households in just three months.

4. Postcode lottery of social tariffs means people in the dark about almost £2 billion worth of extra bills support
£3.3 billion in social tariff and energy support will go unclaimed this year, with 95% of eligible households missing out on broadband social tariffs. Together with Citizens Advice and the Institute for Research on Public Policy, we launched a report showing how social tariffs can be improved and standardised across key markets. The report was funded by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust. We shared the findings at the Labour Party Conference with the Minister for Energy Consumers.

5. Government should support local authorities and public services to implement better debt collection practices
Policy in Practice contributed to a new report by Money and Mental Health Matters on the psychological toll of local and national government debt collection. The report highlights that people with mental health issues are more likely to be in debt to public sector bodies. We contributed to the report's recommendations for regulatory reforms, including extending council tax payment timelines, limiting liability order costs, and ending imprisonment for debt.

BBC Wales features Policy in Practice and Neath Port Talbot CBC's Pension Credit take up campaign

Felicity Evans, Money Editor, BBC Wales interviewed Rachael Walker, Policy in Practice, to hear about Pension Credit take up campaigns. She explored the work done in London and how this approach could be taken across Wales. The fantastic work our client Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council is doing to boost Pension Credit take up was also featured.
RAPID (Real time Analysis of Poverty Indicators Dashboard)

Data and insight into poverty metrics and living standards in the UK are out of date on the day they are published. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Policy in Practice have developed a tool to fill in some of the missing data and insight into poverty metrics and living standards by providing insights on levels of low income and poverty with a one month, rather than one year, lag.

As a pilot project, RAPID provides up to date data on living standards in London amongst households claiming benefits, allowing for a more immediate view of trends across the capital. Access to an up to date view of low income and poverty rates among some of the most financially precarious in society is crucial for identifying the impact of policy responses to the cost of living crisis. We hope to learn from this pilot to expand RAPID beyond London across the UK.

Join JRF's webinar Introducing RAPID: Measuring today’s poverty today on 10 October to learn more.

Using the Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) to improve benefit take up
Richmond and Wandsworth councils have used the Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) to identify households who may be eligible for different benefits, but not claiming them

The LGA featured a case study about Richmond and Wandsworth's data led take up campaigns. Powered by LIFT, the campaigns encouraged households to claim Pension Credit and Free School Meals resulting in financial benefit of over £2 million across the two boroughs. Further campaigns to encourage take up of other support such as Attendance Allowance and water social tariffs are planned.

Redbridge Council recovers nearly £600,000 in arrears and avoids £300,000 tempororay accommodation costs using LIFT  

A rise in temporary accommodations called for Redbridge to run a data driven Discretionary Housing Payment campaign to prevent evictions. Redbridge's Trevor Isles, Rent Former Arrears and Credits Manager, and Jane Smith, Benefits Manager, recently shared how they've achieved substantial successes.  

Welcome to our new clients
Out and about in October: see you there!
Visit us on stand 6 at IRRV
Visit us on stand 19 at Solace
Stay informed: join our free webinars
Webinar: London Challenge Poverty Week: Introducing RAPID: Measuring today’s poverty today

Wednesday 16 October from 10.30 to 11.45. See details and register
Webinar: Removing roadblocks: How to simplify application processes for benefits and support

Wednesday 23 October from 10.30 to 11.45. See details and register
Vulnerability, debt and the missing £23 billion: How the credit and collections sector can drive change this winter

Wednesday 6 November from 10.30 to 11.45. See details and register
September's blogs
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